Thursday 18 September 2014

Balloon Powered Cars

Balloon powered cars challenge

Using your prior knowledge on forces and your thinking interdependently expertise you are to design and build a balloon powered car.


The kids were allowed to use a foam core or corrugated cardboard, regular cardboard, wooden barbeque skewers, straws, scissors, tape to build a balloon powered car.

You must include the forces that you think will be acting upon your car in your plan.Then it was action time. The kids were put into groups of 3 to build the car. Here are some photos of the balloon powered cars in the making.

“Trying to make the cars was frustrating but in the end we got there and finished” - Jacob Dredge

"This is awesome" - Alex Manley

"I wonder if friction will impact on this challenge" - Meg (aka the mad scientist)
