Monday 25 August 2014

Forces Graphic Design

For Home Learning the children were set the task to create a graphic design explaining one of the forces we have looked at in class. The idea is to have the children communicate their prior knowledge and new learning in a range of different and creative ways.

The children have been enjoying demonstrating the different forces through a range of methods and it seems to be helping cement the kids learning of forces. Through readings, experiments completed in class and presenting their forces home learning the kids are processing their knowledge.


Tuesday 19 August 2014

The Human Table Experiment

Miss Ross led Team Double R through the "Human Table" experiment. The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and were able to apply their scientific knowledge about forces to explain how it works.

Miss R convinces the boys that the experiment is safe.

 Meg, Sinead, Alex and Ella B are relaxed before their big fall!

 The boys can't stop laughing as the last chair is removed.

Absolute chaos as our budding scientists carry out their "human table" experiments.

A small video showing Team Double R thinking like scientists.


Monday 18 August 2014

Homemade Marble Run

To demonstrate the force of gravity the children completed the marble run experiment in class. The children were then set a home learning task to create a marble run out of recycled materials.

Tamati took his marble run to the next level by spray painting it blue!

The children showed a lot of creativity to build some amazing marble runs. 
 Stay tuned as we look to join them together on our classroom wall.


Thursday 14 August 2014

The Forces Challenge

To check our classes prior knowledge and new learning on forces we set them a challenge to build a creation that demonstrates two forces. They were only allowed to use set materials; A4 card x 4, Cellotape 30cm, String x 1m, Paperclips x 10, Toy car x 2, Straws x 4 and Rubber bands x4.

The children set about testing and playing with the materials before deciding on a plan. The discussion was rich with scientific knowledge being bantered about like they were seasoned scientists and designers.

Once they had finalised their plans they set about building their creations and testing them to make sure they worked.

Finally the groups demonstrated their creations to the class and explained the forces that were evident.
