Friday 18 July 2014

Baking Soda extinguisher

After successfully completing the Baking Soda Balloon experiment and reflecting on how/why the experiment worked the children were asked to form a hypothesis on a new experiment. 

What You Need:
baking soda
food colouring

What To Do:
1. Add enough water to fill the bottom of the plate.

2. Put 3 or 4 drops of food colouring into the water and mix it up.

3. Place the candle in the middle of the plate.

4. Light the candle. 

5. Take the glass and place it over the lit candle. 

Aric and Nikos thoroughly enjoyed the hands on experiment!

Children then thought about what invisible gas is inside the glass. What happens to the water level inside the glass? What happens to the flame on the candle?

Using their prior knowledge of Co2 gas the majority of the children predicted that the flame would go out and the water level would rise.


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